Behçet's disease in an HIV-1-infected patient treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy


Behcet’s disease is a systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology, characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers and uveitis. In addition, cutaneous, articular, neurologic, intestinal, pulmonary, urogenit tal and vascular manifestations have been observed in these patients [1]. Since the introduction of protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy in 1996, the natural history of human immunodeficiency virus infection changed dramatically, with a decrease in disease progression and mortality. Simultaneously, a wide variety of autoimmune diseases emerged in this group of patients although the number of reports of HIV patients with Behcet’s disease seems to remain stable [2]. The diagnosis of Behcet’s disease in HIV pat tients may be difficult to establish, mainly because some clinical manifestations of infections related or not with HIV may mimic the clinical features of Behcet’s. We describe here an HIV-infected patient who developed Behcet’s disease 10 years after contracting HIV infection. In addition, we review the literature and describe the clinical characteristics of patients with this association



Behçet's disease, HIV-1-infected patient, Highly active antiretroviral therapy


Gómez-Puerta, J. A., Espinosa, G., Miro, J. M., Sued, O., Llibre, J. M., Cervera, R., & Font, J. (2006). Behçet's disease in an HIV-1-infected patient treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy. The Israel Medical Association Journal: IMAJ.